by admin | juny 10, 2022 | blog, English Articles, Notícies
[:ca]The Global Entrepreneurship Network is happy to announce that the fourth edition of the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC), is now underway with applications open to entrepreneurs in 200 countries. Applicants will compete on the global stage for a share of US$1...
by admin | jul. 7, 2021 | Actes, Artículos español, blog, English Articles, General
[:ca]Aquest mes passat ha estat molt ocupat a EBAN, amb el Congrés Anual que va celebrar-se del 16 al 18 de juny. Durant l’acte es van donar a conèixer els guanyadors de la cerimònia anual de lliurament dels premis, que ara podeu descobrir a continuació. Molts dels...
by admin | juny 11, 2021 | Actes, Artículos español, blog, English Articles, General
[:ca]El Congrés es celebra anualment i esta organitzat per la EBAN en cooperació amb els seus millors membres, entre els quals es troba la Business Angels Network de Catalunya (BANC) fundada per la patronal Cecot. El congres és un dels esdeveniments d’inversió privada...
by admin | maig 25, 2021 | Artículos español, blog, English Articles, Notícies
Winners of the 2021 International Venture Academy were pitching at the final event on Thursday 20th May for the program jury including investors from EBAN and FiBAN. Top 3 start ups were voted to attend to EBAN Congress in June. Read more...
by admin | maig 20, 2021 | Artículos español, blog, English Articles, Notícies
[:ca]As a conclusion to this year’s edition of the International Venture Academy program, the Final pitching took place today, in online format. 8 projects participating in the program had the opportunity to present their start-ups, with a pitching of 5 min. At...
by admin | abr. 16, 2021 | Artículos español, blog, English Articles, Notícies
[:ca]International Venture Academy connects first-class entrepreneurs and investors from Finland, Catalonia (Spain) and Sophia Antipolis (France). Program is targeted for European growth ventures that have desire to improve their investment readiness, are looking for...