by admin | nov. 30, 2016 | Actes, Ajuts i subvencions, Notícies
Channel: Blog BANC Program: Catalunya Emprèn Entrepreneurs were able to understand the different options for alternative financing Barcelona, on November 30th 2016. On November 22th, the second investment Readiness session – Catalunya Emprèn was held in BANC’s...
by admin | nov. 29, 2016 | Actes, Comunicació - Recull de premsa
This year, the investment in Europe will exceed 6 billion €. Zagreb, on November 29th. The European Business Angels Network (EBAN) has recently celebrated the EBAN Winter University, one of the most important events about entrepreneurship and angel investment. This...
by admin | nov. 21, 2016 | Actes, Comunicació - Recull de premsa, Notícies
L’esdeveniment iniciat per Odder i el Cercle Cecot de Joves Empresaris (CCJE) va tenir lloc a Sant Cugat del Vallès el passat 18 de novembre. Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 2016. Un centenar de persones vinculades amb el món financer, entre els quals es trobaven...
by admin | nov. 19, 2016 | Actes, Comunicació - Recull de premsa, Notícies
Els premis Creatic han repartit 5.000 i 3.000 € als guanyadors, VessConnect i PianoPocket Mataró, 19 de novembre de 2016. El Centre de Congressos del TecnoCampus ha acollit La Nit del Emprenedors, un punt de trobada anual entre startups, empreses i emprenedors....
by admin | nov. 19, 2016 | Actes, Notícies
Channel: Blog BANC The winners were VessConnect and PianoPocket in the startup and best idea category Mataró, on November 18th 2016. The TecnoCampus of Mataró hosted the Night of Entrepreneurs, an annual meeting between startups, companies and entrepreneurs. During...