[:ca]• Business Angels Network de Catalunya debat sobre inversió privada amb inversors de tot el món a       Luxemburg i Dubái
    • La GITEX va reunir aquest any 4.500 expositors  d’un centenar de països

Barcelona, 23 d’octubre de 2018  Aquesta setmana, i després de celebrar el 15º aniversari de la xarxa BANC, el Sr, Albert  Colomer,  Director de Business Angels Network de Catalunya, ha assistit al EBAN  Winter Summit del 22 al 23 d’octubre a Luxemburg. L’esdeveniment, que és la principal iniciativa europea que destaca les millors pràctiques en el sector d’inversió de startups a Europa, ha posat èmfasi en temes com l’economia sostenible i les inversions internacionals.
Així mateix, el Director de la xarxa va assistir també a la 38 edició del GITEX technology week que es va celebrar del 14 al 18 d’octubre de 2018 a Dubái. El Conseller de la Generalitat de Catalunya de polítiques digitals i administració pública Sr. Jordi Puignerò també participo en l’esdeveniment explicant els avantatges de Catalunya per a les inversions tecnològiques.
L’exposició GITEX, que va ocupar una superfície de gairebé 93.000 metres quadrats, va reunir aquest any 4.500 expositors  d’un centenar de països, segons els organitzadors. És el principal esdeveniment internacional per a empreses i PIMES a Europa, Orient Mitjà, Àfrica i el sud d’Àsia. La fira va oferir àrees de treball de diferents xarxes, seguretat, tecnologia i solucions de TU.
Després de celebrar els seus 15 anys d’història, BANC es consolida com una xarxa d’inversors referent a Europa debatent sobre el futur de l’empreneduria.[:es]

  • Business Angels Network de Catalunya debate sobre inversión privada con inversores de todo el mundo en Luxemburgo y Dubai
  • La GITEX reunió este año 4.500 expositores de un centenar de países

Barcelona, 23 de octubre de 2018 Esta semana, y después de celebrar el 15º aniversario de la red BANC, el Sr, Albert Colomer,  Director de Business Angels Network de Catalunya, ha asistido al EBAN Winter Summit del 22 al 23 de octubre en Luxemburgo. El evento, que es la principal iniciativa europea que destaca las mejores prácticas en el sector de inversión de startups en Europa, ha puesto énfasis en temas como la economía sostenible y las inversiones internacionales.

Así mismo, el Director de la red asistió también a la 38 edición del GITEX technology week que se celebró del 14 al 18 de octubre de 2018 en Dubái. El Conseller de la Generalitat de Catalunya de políticas digitales y administración pública Sr. Jordi Puignerò también participo en el evento explicando las ventajas de Cataluña para las inversiones tecnológicas.

La exposición GITEX, que ocupó una superficie de casi 93.000 metros cuadrados, reunió este año 4.500 expositores  de un centenar de países, según los organizadores. Es el principal evento internacional para empresas y PYMES en Europa, Oriente Medio, África y el sur de Asia. La feria ofreció áreas de trabajo de diferentes redes, seguridad, tecnología y soluciones de TI.

Después de celebrar sus 15 años de historia, BANC se consolida como una red de inversores referente en Europa debatiendo sobre el futuro del emprendimiento.[:en]


On 22-23 October, over 400 business angels, VCs, corporates, policy-makers, and innovators came together in Luxembourg for the 17th annual edition of the EBAN Winter Summit. The theme of the event “Better Together: How to Shape a More Sustainable and Innovative World” gave rise to discussions on impact investing and sustainability, angel investing and entrepreneurship, blended finance and public/private partnerships, and more. Despite the many different topics being discussed at the Summit, the central message coming from speakers, entrepreneurs and guests alike was this – collaborating with different stakeholders in our industry, as well as across gender and national lines, is the key to bringing systemic change to the world, be it for saving the planet, scaling businesses or investing. In congruence with the Summit’s goal to promote inclusivity, EBAN was proud to have 30% of the attendees be women, as well as to host attendees from 45 countries around the world.

EBAN would like to thank its co-organisers Lux Future Lab, Luxembourg Business Angel Network and the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP), without whom it would not have been possible to hold the Winter Summit. Thanks also to our sponsors BGL BNP Paribas, EY, The Ministry of the Economy of Luxembourg, and Arendt& Medernach, and our partners Silicon Luxembourg, DDG, Kussbus, Technoport, Luxinnovation, LPEA, Silversquare, The House of Startups, InnoEnergy, London Stock Exchange ELITE, ESA, Gust, ICEX – Invest in Spain, Iris Capital, ABAN and MBAN, each of whom contributed in making the event a standout success.
In addition, we would like to thank the 65 speakers and mentors who volunteered their time to share their knowledge and expertise with the participants. Special thanks goes to the keynote speakers: Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation, Yvan Bourgnon, Founder of The Sea Cleaners, Tristan Edwards, CEO of Life Biosciences, Pierre-Alain Masson, Co-founder of Seedstars, Dava J. Newman, Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics at the MIT, Hedda Pahlson-Moller, Chair of EBAN Impact and CEO of TIIME, Peter Platzer, CEO of SPIRE, Filipa Ramalho, Policy Officer at the European Commission, Viviane Reding, former European Commission Vice President and Member of the EU Parliament, Linda Smith, Chair of the Angel Capital Association, Simon Thorpe, UK Angel of the Year 2016/2017, Guillermo Trotti, President of Trotti& Associates, and Jérôme Wittamer,  Managing Partner at Expon Capital.
As making connections is essential to collaboration – particularly so with entrepreneurs and investors, the Winter Summit featured pitches from 40 startups representing 16 countries and broken down into four categories – Tech for Good, Fintech and Insurtech, Big Data and AI, and Scaleups. After a close competition, 4 finalists were chosen to pitch on the main stage by an expert jury of 27 angels and VCs. Thanks to EBAN partner DealMatrix, the pitches were scored live by the jury and the audience, with Sensius, a medtech scaleup that fights cancer with thermotherapy, taking first place and receiving a €5,000 prize from EBAN and Lux Future Lab.
The Summit also celebrated the start of new relationships for EBAN, exemplified by the MoU signed on stage with BGTA Accelerator with the aim to create a stronger link between Europe and China, and the reinforcement of existing ones with EBAN’s counterpart investor communities in North America – the Angel Capital Association (ACA) in the US and National Angel Capital Organization (NACO) in Canada.
As always, networking was a big part of the Summit with an elegant Gala Dinner at the Abbey of Neumünster, as well as a matchmaking app powered by the EIPP that resulted in over 300 meetings and plenty of lasting connections.
EBAN would like to thank all Summit attendees for joining us at the event and taking an active role in being “Better Together” through innovation, entrepreneurship and early stage investment. We hope to see everyone at our next event – the 2019 EBAN Annual Congress in Helsinki, Finland, on June 3rd-4th.
